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the enzyme industry

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the enzyme industry

Enzymes Used in Agriculture

Enzymes Used in Agriculture

Enzymes along with select microbes are used in agriculture as a healthier and organic replacement for chemicals. Agricultural enzymes are bioactive proteins that help increase crop production, soil fertility, and food protection. They also protect the crops from...

All About Poultry Feed Formulation

All About Poultry Feed Formulation

Exogenous feed enzymes are added to the poultry feed to provide nutrition to poultry birds and improve their digestion. Poultry feed takes up the lion’s share of a poultry business with up to 70% of the total operating costs. To lower the feed costs, certain grains...

Trending Articles
The Role of Enzymes in Natural Skin Renewal

The Role of Enzymes in Natural Skin Renewal

The Skin- Our body's largest organ and frontline defender against external assaults. Just like the changing seasons or chapters in a book, our skin undergoes cycles of renewal and regeneration. And guess what plays a starring role in this process? You guessed it -...

The Basics of Soil Stabilization: An Introduction

The Basics of Soil Stabilization: An Introduction

What is Soil Stabilization? Definition: Have you ever wondered how builders manage to create rock-solid foundations for structures, even on unstable grounds? That's where soil stabilization becomes critical. At its core, soil stabilization refers to the process of...

Uses of Maltogenic Amylase in Baking

Uses of Maltogenic Amylase in Baking

The use of enzymes in the baking industry is not new and has been followed for decades. An enzyme is a protein that makes a chemical change in a biological system. In the baking industry, enzymes break starch into maltose, complex sugar into simple sugar, and protein...

Application of Keratinase Enzyme

Application of Keratinase Enzyme

Keratinase enzyme is a type of extracellular proteolytic inducible enzyme that can degrade keratin substrates that are insoluble. This enzyme can hydrolyze hair, feathers, and collagen in the sewage system during wastewater treatment. Additionally, it is useful in the...

Applications of Phytase enzyme

Applications of Phytase enzyme

Phytase enzyme is an important enzyme with nutrient content for monogastric livestock feed. It breaks down the phospho-monoester linkages present in phytate, a derivative of phytic acid that is the most abundant form of phosphorus (P) in plant cells. Monogastric...

Lactase Enzyme And Benefits

Lactase Enzyme And Benefits

The lactase enzyme helps in hydrolyzing lactose, also known as milk sugar into two parts, that is glucose and galactose. It also helps in the digestion process when it comes to dairy items like cheese or milk. It is important to note that the problem of lactose...