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Soil Enzymes : Their Importance And Classes
Importance Of Soil Enzymes & Classes Of Soil Enzymes Introduction Soil is the place where all natural and anthropogenic activities necessary to the life of humans, animal, and plants occur. Forests, plants, grasses, crops grow on soil; superficial water basins and...
12 Health Benefits Of Beer
Beer is an alcoholic beverage brewed from cereal grains which are responsible for its nutritional values. People usually prefer to drink it with certain meals and it is the third most popular drink preceded by tea and water. Beer has a greater protein and vitamin...
What Is Ethanol And How Is It Made?
Enzymes Used For Ethanol Production Currently, most ethanol intended for industrial use is produced from ethylene, a petroleum product. Beverage ethanol is produced by fermentation of starch and sugar-rich feed-stacks. Use of cellulose will provide a renewable...
Enzymes Used In The Food Industry
Enzymes Used In The Food Industry Food process through the employment of biological agents is traditionally a well-established approach. The earliest applications return to 6000 B.C or earlier, with the production of brewage, bread baking, and cheese and wine...
Sugar Processing Enzymes
Sugar Processing Enzymes The sucrose industry is a comparatively minor user of enzymes but provides few historically significant and instructive examples of enzyme technology The hydrolysis ('inversion') of sucrose, completely or partially, to glucose and fructose...
Ecolarvacide: Our Enzyme for Larvae
Ecolarvacide: Our Enzyme for Larvae With the surge in population growth over the last few years, the quality of food which is being supplied and consumed by the population is one of the concerned matter that has gained a lot of attention. This generation has moved to...
Enzymes In Fruit Juice Production
Enzymes In Fruit Juice Production The demand for fruit juices is increasing day by day as a result of increasing health awareness among the people. Most of the juice extraction processes are not producing satisfactory quantity and quality of juices. Enzymatic...
Bio-Technological Applications of Enzymes
Bio-Technological Applications of Enzymes Enzymes are biological catalysts (also known as biocatalysts) that speed up biochemical reactions in living organisms, and which can be extracted from cells and then used to catalyse a wide range of commercially important...
Enzymes in Animal Feed: Benefits And Future Uses
Enzymes in Animal Feed The first enzymes developed by the biotech industry were the arabinoxylans and beta glucanases. Their function was to degrade non-starch polysaccharides, which are the fibrous portions of the grain. These enzymes reduced the viscosity of the...