by | Jul 21, 2020 | Animal Feed Enzymes
How Are Enzymes Useful In Animal Feed? Enzymes are proteins that help with the metabolic reactions in the body. In spite of the fact that domesticated animals’ gut microflora produce a few enzymes, they do not produce all the enzymes in adequate amounts to hydrolyse...
by | Jun 28, 2019 | Animal Feed Enzymes
Why Are Enzymes Important In Animal Feed? When animal feed enzymes were first used more than a decade ago, their acceptance was limited to phytase applications for reduced phosphorus excretion. Although feed enzymes have been utilised for many years, we have only...
by | Dec 30, 2018 | Animal Feed Enzymes
Enzymes in Animal Feed: Benefits And Future Uses Enzymes in Animal Feed The first enzymes developed by the biotech industry were the arabinoxylans and beta glucanases. Their function was to degrade non-starch polysaccharides, which are the fibrous portions of the...