Sugar Processing Enzymes Manufacturer

What are Sugar Processing Enzymes?

Biotechnology increases the efficiency of sugar processing and energy saving by virtue of hydrolytic enzymes such as Dextranase and Amylase.

Enzymes for sugar are used as aids to sugar production and refining by removing materials which inhibit crystallization or cause high viscosity. In some parts of the world, sugar cane contains significant amounts of starch, which becomes viscous, thus slowing filtration processes and making the solution hazy when the sucrose is dissolved. This problem can be overcome by using the most thermostable Alpha-Amylase Enzyme which is entirely compatible with the high temperatures and pH values that prevail during the initial vacuum evaporation stage of sugar production.

Dextrans are produced by the action of dextransucrase from Leuconostocmesenteroides on sucrose and found as a slime on damaged cane and beet tissue, especially when processing has been delayed in hot and humid climates. Dextran has the sucrose molecule as part of its structure and thus inhibits sucrose crystal growth.

This produces needle-like crystals which are not readily harvested by equipment designed for the approximately cubic crystals otherwise obtained. Dextran can produce extreme viscosity in process streams and even bring the plant to a stop. Problems like these can be resolved with the use of Dextranase Enzyme.
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Our Solutions


Alpha Amylase for Hydrolyzing Starch

Our Alpha Amylase Enzyme hydrolyses starch to increase sugar recovery and improve overall performance.

Reduces Viscocity

Better Quality Sugar

Reduces Steam Consumption

Dextranase Enzyme for Hydrolyzing Dextran

Our dextranase Enzyme hydrolyses Dextran to increase sugar recovery and improve overall performance.

Reduce Dextran Levels

Reduces Crystal Elongation

Reduces Water Consumption


Enzymes Based Biocide

Our enzyme-based biocide is designed for mill sanitation, ensuring a cleaner process. It accelerates starch conversion into glucose through liquefaction and saccharification, without impacting the sugar manufacturing process.


Prevents Fungi Growth

Prevents Bacteria Growth


Our invertase enzyme hydrolyses the terminal non-reducing beta-fructofuranoside residues in beta-fructofuranosides releasing invert sugar.

Complete Inversion

Lower Dosage

No Side Products/Impurities Formation


Glucose Isomerase

Our Glucose Isomerase catalyses the conversion of glucose to fructose.

Yields High-Fructose Syrups From Glucose Syrups

Enhances Sweetness

Reduces Crystallization In Confectionery

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Frequently Asked Questions ,Sugar Processing Enzymes Manufacturer

Which enzymes are used in sugar Industry

Sugar Enzymes such as Alpha Amylase for Hydrolyzing Starch, Dextranase Enzyme for Hydrolysing Dextran, Biocide Enzymes and Invertase are some of the enzymes used in sugar industry.

Why enzymes are added in sugar syrup?

The process of making sugar syrup begins by milling the sugarcane to extract the juice. The juice is then boiled to produce a thick liquid called molasses. Enzymes are then added to the molasses to break down the starch into glucose and fructose. Glucose and fructose are two types of sugar which are sweet and easy to digest.

What are the common benefits for sugar processing enzymes?

Sugar processing enzymes are used to break down complex sugars into simple sugars. This is important because simple sugars are easier for the body to digest and absorb. The use of sugar processing enzymes results in a more healthful product that is easier to digest.

What are the applications of Dextranase in Sugar Industry?

Dextranase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of dextran, a glucose polymer. It is used for the production of dextrose, a monosaccharide sugar, from dextran. Dextranase Enzyme is also used for the clarification of sugar syrups and the production of ethanol.

What is the Benefit of Amylase in the Sugar Industry?

Amylase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into maltose and glucose. The maltose and glucose are then fermented by yeast to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide. Food Enzymes manufacturers in the sugar industry use amylase to hydrolyze starch in the production of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and glucose syrup.
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